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Table 1 List of stakeholders per country

From: Who calls the shots in tobacco control policy? Policy monopolies of pro and anti-tobacco interest groups across six European countries


Stakeholder function(s)


1. Civil servant


2. Member of parliament (opposition)


3. Cancer fund employee


4. Academic expert


5. Academic expert


6. Civil society organization employee


1. Civil servant


2. Member of parliament (opposition)


3. Cancer fund employee


4. Academic expert


5. Tobacco Control Alliance network employee


6. Enforcement agency employee


1. Civil servant


2. Member of parliament (coalition)


3. Assistant of member of parliament


4. Cancer fund employee


5. Academic expert


6. Civil society organization employee


7. Civil society organization employee


1. Civil servant


2. Member of parliament (senate)


3. Cancer fund employee


4. Academic expert


5. Alliance network employee


1. Civil servant


2. Civil servant assistant


3. Cancer fund employee


4. Academic expert


5. Academic expert


6. Civil society organization employee


7. Civil society organization assistant

The Netherlands

1. Member of parliament (opposition)

2. Cancer fund employee

3. Academic expert


4. Tobacco Control Alliance network employee


5. Tobacco Control Alliance network employee