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Table 1 RE-AIM Indicators, Numerators, and Denominators

From: Operationalizing the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance (RE-AIM) framework to evaluate the collective impact of autonomous community programs that promote health and well-being

RE-AIM Elements







Peer Mentors

The percentage of Canadians with SCI who are peer mentors

Total number of registered peer mentors

All Canadians with SCI [28]


Peer Mentor Representativeness

How representative registered peer mentors are compared to general Canadian SCI population


Demographic information of peer mentors compared to population estimates [28]

Peer Mentees

The percentage of Canadians with SCI who have received mentorship

Total number of Canadians with SCI who have received mentorship

All Canadians with SCI [28]


Peer Mentee Representativeness

How representative are people who have received mentorship compared to general Canadian SCI population


Demographic information of peer mentees compared to population estimates [28]


Peer Mentors

The percentage of persons with SCI who are registered peer mentors in each province

Total number of registered peer mentors in a province

Total number of Canadians with SCI in the province [28]


Peer Mentees

The percentage of persons with SCI who received mentorship in each province

Total number of people who have received mentorship in a province

Total number of Canadians with SCI in the province [28]




Peer Mentor Outcome

The reported positive and negative outcomes of engaging in mentoring for peer mentors


Qualitative data from surveys

Peer Mentee Outcomes

The reported positive and negative outcomes of engaging in mentoring for peer mentees


Qualitative data from surveys


Setting Level

Peer Mentor Programming

The % of organizations providing peer mentoring

The # of SCI organizations providing peer mentoring

The # of SCI organizations surveyed


Peer Mentor Programming – community

The % of organizations who provide community peer mentoring

The # of SCI organizations providing peer mentorship in the community

The # of SCI organizations surveyed


Peer Mentor Programming – hospital

The % of organizations who provide inpatient peer mentoring

The # of SCI organizations providing inpatient peer mentorship

The # of SCI organizations surveyed


Hospital adoption of peer mentoring

The % of hospitals where peer mentoring is occurring

The # of hospitals where inpatient mentoring is provided by a SCI organization

The # of SCI rehabilitations hospitals in Canada


Peer Mentoring Branches

The # of branches of peer mentoring services within each provincial organization


Information collected from surveys (# of reported peer mentoring branches)


National Level

Outcome data collection

The % of organizations that collect outcome data

The # of organizations that collect outcome data

The total # of SCI organizations


On-going Training

The % of organizations that provide continued/on-going training

The # of organizations that offer on-going training

The total # of organizations that offer training


Monitoring Practices

The % of organizations that monitor their mentor/mentee relationships

The # of organizations that track mentor-mentee interactions

The total # of SCI organizations


Provincial Level

Cost of Service

The % of money dedicated to peer mentoring

The amount of money allocated for peer mentorship program

Total amount of money in operation budget of an organization


Cost per member

Operational budget cost per mentor

The amount of money allocated for peer mentorship program

Total number of registered mentors in an organization


Peer mentors as intended

The % of peer mentors in the organization as intended

The total # of registered peer mentors in an organization

The # of peer mentors an organization wants available


Program efficacy

The % of mentors who actually end up mentoring

The # of mentors who have mentored someone

The # of mentors who have been trained


Staff Level

Peer mentoring staff

The % of staff dedicated to peer mentoring

The # of staff employed for peer mentoring (FTE equivalent)

The # of staff employed by an organization


Peer mentoring staff as intended

The % of staff in an organization dedicated to peer mentoring as intended

The # of staff employed for peer mentoring (FTE equivalent)

The # of staff (FTE equivalent) an organization wants available for peer mentoring


Peer mentoring volunteers

The % of volunteers dedicated to peer mentoring

The # of volunteers dedicated to peer mentoring

The # of volunteers employed by an organization



Setting Level

Long term sustainability

The long-term sustainability of the program


How long the program has been operating

Individual Level

Growth of peer programming – Mentor

The growth of the peer mentoring program within an organization

The # of registered peer mentors in the organization

The # of registered peer mentors in the organization 5 and 10 years ago


Growth of peer programming – Mentee

The growth of the peer mentoring program within an organization

The # of people who have received mentorship in the past year

The # of people who received mentorship 5 and 10 years ago