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Table 5 Jet fuel exposure group means for behavioural procedures investigating central auditory functions a,b

From: Jet fuel exposure and auditory outcomes in Australian air force personnel


Low exposure (95% CI)

Medium exposure (95% CI)

High exposure (95% CI)

p-value c

Compressed speech, %

51.80 (47.14–56.46)

42.07 (36.95–47.20)

45.60 (41.52–49.69)


Words-in-noise, dB SNR

5.99 (5.24–6.74)

7.40 (6.55–8.25)

7.28 (6.43–8.13)


Dichotic digits, %

92.67 (87.80–97.54)

89.69 (87.08–92.31)

87.23 (81.93–92.53)


Pitch pattern sequence, %

100.0 (98.16–100.0)

97.28 (94.50–100.0)

94.13 (89.97–98.30)


Duration pattern sequence, %

99.50 (98.08–100.0)

98.42 (97.00–99.84)

96.82 (93.53–100.0)


ATTR, ms

 Within channel

3.51 (2.31–4.71)

3.28 (2.46–4.10)

5.24 (2.91–7.56)


 Across channel

48.63 (34.90–62.35)

41.65 (29.40–53.90)

46.53 (33.98–59.09)


  1. aMeans estimated through a quantile regression using bootstrapping for calculating the standard error (10,000 replications)
  2. bMeans adjusted by age and noise exposure levels
  3. cp-value estimated through a Wald test
  4. CI: Confidence interval
  5. ATTR Auditory test of temporal resolution
  6. dB SNR dB signal-to-noise ratio
  7. Ms Milliseconds
  8. Values for compressed speech, words-in-noise, pitch pattern sequence, and duration pattern sequence represent the average score between the right and left ears