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Table 3 Results of data analysis

From: Supportive needs of women who have experienced pregnancy termination due to fetal abnormalities: a qualitative study from the perspective of women, men and healthcare providers in Iran



Main category

*Consolation and empathy with the wife

*Giving hope to the wife

*Supporting the wife against others

*Being present and accompanying the wife in the labor room if possible

*Supporting the wife for returning to work

Mental support and necessary accompaniment

Support from the husband

*Reaching mutual understanding about the next pregnancy and its time

*Helping in physical and mental preparation for the next pregnancy

*Accompanying the wife for performing required care and measures for the next pregnancy

Participation in planning for future pregnancy

*Providing financial support for screening and diagnostic tests

*Providing financial support for genetic consultation

*Providing financial support for counseling with a psychiatric or a psychologist

Financial support to pay the costs of diagnosis and follow- up

*Caring for and keeping other children

*Providing emotional support for other children

Helping in taking care of other children

Support from the family and friends

*Providing help in performing daily household activities

*Preparing the house before wife’s discharge from the hospital

Helping in performing daily activities

*Receiving empathy and understanding the emotional situation from the relatives

*Helping in resolving women’s concerns and anxiety

*Accompanying the woman for performing diagnostic and therapeutic measures

Empathy, companionship and necessary supports to maintain mental peace

*Establishing communication with the peers for accepting the situation

*Being informed about the process of pre-pregnancy consultations

*Being informed about the process of prenatal care

*Being informed about the appropriate manner for confronting the husband and the relatives

Communicating with the peers and receiving information from them


*Having hope for life

*Encouraging the mother for returning to normal life

*Decreasing women’s concerns and fears about the recurrence of the incident

*Gaining more energy through visiting the peers

Creating a sense of confidence and hopefulness

Support from the peers