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Table 3 Challenges and bottlenecks identified by front-line healthcare workers

From: Gridlock from diagnosis to treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Tanzania: low accessibility of molecular diagnostic services and lack of healthcare worker empowerment in 28 districts of 5 high burden TB regions with mixed methods evaluation

A. DTLCs and DACs identified challenges

Frequencies. n (%)

 Lack of specimen referral mechanisms

23 (43)

 Unreliable patients address

13 (25)

 Shortage of healthcare workers

7 (13)

 Patients opt to find traditional medicine and do not return for results

5 (9)

 Lack of equipment for diagnostics

3 (6)

 Lack of healthcare worker motivation

1 (2)

 Rotation to different section regardless of knowledge on TB/HIV

1 (2)

B. Laboratory designated heads

n (%)

 Stock out of XpertMTB/RIF cartridges or related reagents

9 (82)

 Unreliable maintenance and service if needed

4 (36)

 Shortage of staff for operating XpertMTB/RIF

2 (18)

 Forced reliance on untrained staff

1 (9)

 Few samples for XpertMTB/RIF received per day

1 (9)

 Samples received at late hours

1 (9)

 Electrical fluctuations

1 (9)

  1. DTLC District tuberculosis and leprosy coordinator. DAC District AIDS coordinator