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Table 3 Spearman Rank Correlations of residual scores expressing change between baseline and 3 months

From: Validity and responsiveness to change of the Active Australia Survey according to gender, age, BMI, education, and physical activity level and awareness





ρ (p)

ρ (p)

ρ (p)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

Total group (n = 333)

.325 (.000)***

.189 (.001)**

.356 (.000)***




Men (n = 123)

.413 (.000)***

.213 (.018)*

.435 (.000)***




Women (n = 210)

.251 (.000)***

.174 (.012)*

.298 (.000)***




18 to 49 years of age (n = 95)

.286 (.005)**

.195 (.058)

.366 (.000)***




50 to 64 years of age (n = 134)

.355 (.000)***

.123 (.156)

.359 (.000)***




Over 65 years of age (n = 104)

.323 (.001)**

.308 (.001)**

.336 (.000)***




School education (n = 90)

.284 (.007)**

.220 (.038)*

.282 (.007)**




Vocational and technical education (n = 132)

.387 (.000)***

.230 (.008)**

.457 (.000)***




Higher education (n = 111)

.307 (.001)**

.133 (.165)

.343 (.000)***




Normal weight (n = 78)

.421 (.000)***

.258 (.023)*

.477 (.000)***




Overweight (n = 128)

.217 (.014)*

.244 (.005)**

.278 (.001)**




Obese (n = 127)

.362 (.000)***

.070 (.435)

.346 (.000)***




High physical activity awareness (n = 217)

.324 (.000)***

.160 (.018)*

.361 (.000)***




Low physical activity awareness (n = 116)

.310 (.001)**

.221 (.017)*

.317 (.001)**




= < 150 min MVPA week ActiGraph (n = 183)

.279 (.000)***

.172 (.020)*

.321 (.000)***




>  150 min MVPA week ActiGraph (n = 150)

.382 (.000)***

.237 (.004)**

.415 (.000)***




  1. Note: p < 0.05 = *; p < 0.01 = **; p < 0.001 = ***
  2. MVPA Moderate + Vigorous Physical Activity, PA Physical Activity