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Table 2 Spearman Rank Correlations between baseline measures for the Active Australia Survey and the ActiGraph Accelerometer

From: Validity and responsiveness to change of the Active Australia Survey according to gender, age, BMI, education, and physical activity level and awareness


Moderate PA

Vigorous PA


ρ (p)

ρ (p)

ρ (p)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

Total group (N = 465)

.199 (000)***

.331 (.000)***

.231 (.000)***




Men (n = 162)

.153 (.053)

.218 (.005)**

.169 (.031)*




Women (n = 303)

.203 (.000)***

.396 (.000)***

.236 (.000)***




18 to 49 years of age (n = 147)

.228 (.006)**

.363 (.000)***

.263 (.001)**




50 to 64 years of age (n = 186)

.235 (.001)**

.412 (.000)***

.281 (.000)***




Over 65 years of age (n = 132)

.198 (.023)*

.201 (.021)*

.214 (.014)*




School education (n = 135)

.297 (.000)***

.286 (.001)**

.287 (.001)**




Vocational and technical education (n = 179)

.203 (.006)**

.312 (.000)***

.216 (.004)**




Higher education (n = 151)

.084 (.302)

.393 (.000)***

.191 (.019)*




Healthy weight (n = 114)

.344 (.000)***

.307 (.001)**

.361 (.000)***




Overweight (n = 168)

.108 (.165)

.286 (.000)***

.165 (.032)*




Obese (n = 183)

.183 (.013)*

.384 (.000)***

.192 (.000)***




High physical activity awareness (n = 297)

.205 (.000)***

.288 (.000)***

.217 (.000)***




Low physical activity awareness (n = 168)

.181 (.019)*

.377 (.000)***

.234 (.002)**




Optimal overlap AAS & ActiGraph (n = 256)

.208 (.001)**

.394 (.000)***

.256 (.000)***




Sub-optimal overlap AAS & ActiGraph (n = 209)

.182 (.008)**

.258 (.000)***

.196 (.004)**




= < 150 min MVPA week ActiGraph (n = 257)

.144 (.021)*

.379 (.000)***

.165 (.008)**




>  150 min MVPA week ActiGraph (n = 208)

.228 (.001)** (.096–.355)

.283 (.000)*** (.142–.416)

.247 (.000)*** (.106–.370)

  1. Note: p < 0.05 = *; p < 0.01 = **; p < 0.001 = ***
  2. AAS Active Australia Survey, MVPA Moderate + Vigorous Physical Activity, PA Physical Activity