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Table 4 Adolescent school girl’s knowledge about menstruation from cross-sectional study (All girls N = 331, Pre-menarche girls N = 128, Post-menarche girls, N = 203)

From: A rite of passage: a mixed methodology study about knowledge, perceptions and practices of menstrual hygiene management in rural Gambia


All n [%]

Pre-menarche n [%]

Post-menarche n [%]

Test of significance*


 Very old women menstruate

62 [18.7%]



p = 0.001

 Menstruation is a disease

103 [31.1%]

45 [35.2%]

58 [28.6%]

p = 0.03

 Pregnant women menstruate


49 [38.3%]

14 [6.9%]

p = 0.001

 Menstrual blood comes from the stomach

25 [7.6%]

13 [10.2%]

12 [5.9%]

p = 0.19

 Menstrual blood comes from the womb

155 [46.8%]

62 [48.4%]

93 [45.8%]

p = 0.7

Knowledge score

 Poor [0–2]

163 [49.2%]

94 [73.4%]

69 [34.0%]

p = 0.001

 Good [3,4,5]

168 [50.8%]

34 [26.6%]

134 [66.0%]

  1. *chi square between girls that already have their period compared with girls without it