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Table 1 Key Survey Items (complete survey available in additional files)

From: Workplace health promotion and safety in state and territorial health departments in the United States: a national mixed-methods study of activity, capacity, and growth opportunities


Question: The following activities are performed (check all that apply): by your Health Department, independently; in partnership with another organization(s); by another organization(s), on behalf of your department (WHP)/ by a “bona-fide agent,” acting on behalf of your Health Department (OSH); your Health Department has not performed this activity in the last 12 months


WHP: Monitoring of Healthy People 2020 worksite-related objectives; Monitoring of other workplace health promotion activities in the state, beyond the Healthy People 2020 objectives

Scoring: “high” if both activities, “some” if one, “none” if neither

OSH: Compile, analyze, and interpret Occupational Health Indicators (If “yes”: What proportion of these 22 indicators are compiled, analyzed, and interpreted in your state?); Workers’ Compensation surveillance, beyond the collection of Workers’ Compensation-related OHIs; Surveillance of occupational lead levels in adults and submission of data to the NIOSH Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance program; Monitoring data from the National Surveillance System for Pneumoconiosis Mortality; Monitoring of indicators for the Healthy People 2020 occupational safety and health objectives; Targeted surveillance for Fatality Assessment, Control, and Evaluation; Targeted surveillance of occupational respiratory disease; Targeted surveillance of pesticide illness and injury; Targeted surveillance of musculoskeletal disorders; Targeted surveillance of “target worker populations” (e.g., youth, older age workers, immigrant workers, temporary workers, and workers in high-risk industries/occupations); Presentation of OSH surveillance data to relevant staff (occupational health professionals and health care providers) at workplaces within your state.

Scoring: “high” if 4 to 9 points, “some” if 1 to 3 points, “none” if no points. 0 to 6 points assigned based on proportion of the 22 Occupational Health Indicators compiled, analyzed, and interpreted; 0 to 3 points assigned based on proportion of 10 additional surveillance activities completed

Implementation support to employers

WHP: Providing …educational materials, resources and/or toolkits to employers; …training to employers, such as training sessions and/or webinars designed to introduce a group of employers to a workplace health promotion topic; …technical assistance to employers, such as individualized, on-demand consultations and/or phone-based support; …employers with assistance in monitoring the quality of their workplace health promotion programs, for example through providing organizational audits, health assessments, and/or other evaluation resources.

OSH: Development and dissemination of educational materials to employers; Providing …training and education programs to employers; …technical assistance to employers, upon request; …employers with assistance in monitoring the quality of their occupational safety and health programs, for example through providing organizational audits or other evaluation resources.

Scoring for both WHP and OSH: four, three, two, one, or no implementation support activities provided.

Direct services to workers

WHP: Delivering health promotion programs directly to workers across your state, such as flu shots or blood pressure screening programs.

OSH: Providing educational materials, training, and/or technical assistance to workers directly.

Scoring for both WHP and OSH: “providing” or “not providing”.

Follow-back investigation

OSH: Worksite follow-back investigations; Referrals of employers/worksites to OSHA or other agencies for follow-back investigations.

Scoring: “both”, “either”, or “neither”

Standard and policy development

OSH: Standard and policy development.

Scoring: “active” or “inactive”


Financial resources

OSH and WHP: Health Department’s total funding for OSH (or WHP) activities during the past 12 months, including federal, state, and other funds. Free response.

Human resources

OSH and WHP: Total number of FTEs performing OSH (or WHP) activities in the Health Department during the past 12 months. Include all those employed by the state, all those working at the state-level who are either federal assignees or contract employees, and state employees assigned to work in a regional office. Free response.


WHP: Health Department’s level of competency (knowledge and skills) to perform the following workplace health promotion activities: Workplace health promotion surveillance activities; Implementation support activities (providing support to employers with design and implementation of workplace health promotion initiatives); Direct service activities (delivering workplace health promotion services directly to employees across your state). “Minimal or none”, “Basic”, “Intermediate”, “Advanced”, or “Expert”


OSH: Health Department’s level of competency (knowledge & skills) to perform the following occupational safety and health activities: Occupational safety and health surveillance activities; Follow-up intervention and prevention activities; Direct service activities (delivering occupational safety & health services directly to employees). “Minimal or none”, “Basic”, “Intermediate”, “Advanced”, or “Expert”

Organizational support

OSH and WHP: Health Department’s commitment to OSH (or WHP)? “Not at all”, “Slightly”, “Moderately”, “Very”, “Extremely”. What level of priority does your Health Department assign to OSH (or WHP) efforts, in comparison to other efforts your Health Department is involved in? “Not a priority”, “Low level”, “Moderate level”, “High level”, “Very high level”

Overall capacity

OSH and WHP: Health Department’s overall capacity to support workplace health promotion among employers in the state? “No capacity”, “Minimal”, “Some”, “Moderate”, “Substantial”