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Table 3 Contents of the StopDia face-to-face group meetings

From: Digitally supported program for type 2 diabetes risk identification and risk reduction in real-world setting: protocol for the StopDia model and randomized controlled trial

Meeting topics

Key points

1. Orientation to the StopDia group coaching

Get familiar with other participants and the program

Information on type 2 diabetes and lifestyle factors in its prevention

2. Rhythm of daily life

Observation of the daily rhythms of eating habits, physical activity, sedentary behavior, stress, sleeping, and rest

Tools for management of daily life

Goal setting and planning: Actionable behavioral goals to improve rhythm of daily life

3. Let’s eat well and healthy

Self-monitoring and reflection of dietary habits

Principles of a healthy diet

Goal setting and planning: Actionable behavioral goals for diet

4. Enjoying physical activity

Self-monitoring and reflection of physical activity

Principles of sufficient physical activity

Goal setting and planning: Actionable behavioral goals for physical activity

5. Automating activity to everyday life

How can I nudge myself to healthy lifestyle?

Goal setting and planning: Actionable behavioral goals for re-designing home environment to support healthy choices

6. Succeeding in lifestyle management, also after the StopDia study

Self-evaluating program outcomes

Learning and insights for future

Planning for maintenance of behavior changes

  1. Group meetings 1–5 are planned to be fortnightly and group meeting 6 approximately one month after meeting 5