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Table 4 Effect of the program on mental retirement and its sub-concepts at follow-up, factoring in the level of intervention exposure (N = 466)

From: Effect of a participative action intervention program on reducing mental retirement


Mental retirement

B (95% CI)

Developmental pro-activity

B (95% CI)

Work engagement

B (95% CI)

Perceived appreciation

B (95% CI)


.17** (.12–.21)

2.50** (2.10–2.90)

1.86** (1.39–2.34)

1.41** (1.10–1.71)


.54** (.46–.61)

.39** (.30–.48)

.62** (.55–.70)

.44** (.35–.53)

Intervention exposure

−.07** (−.11 – −.02)

.24* (.05–.42)

.39* (.05–.74)

.25† (−.02–.52)

Lower education

-.02 (−.06–.02)

−.12 (−.28–.04)


.10 (−.12–.32)

Intermediate education

.00 (−.03–.03)

.01 (−.11–.14)

.04 (−.19–.27)

−.07 (−.25–.11)






  1. †(p < 0,10), *(p < 0,05), **(p < 0,01)
  2. #Baseline measurement of the outcome measure