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Table 3 Effect of the program on the difference scores of mental retirement and its sub-concepts (N = 466)

From: Effect of a participative action intervention program on reducing mental retirement


Mental retirement

B (95% CI)

Developmental pro-activity

B (95% CI)

Work engagement

B (95% CI)

Perceived appreciation

B (95% CI)


.00 (−.04–.04)

−.05 (−.20–.11)

.10 (−.16–.36)

−.01 (−.21–.20)

Lower education

−.01 (−.05–.04)

−.06 (−.25–.13)


.12 (−.14–.37)

Intermediate education

−.01 (−.04–.03)

.06 (−.09–.21)

−.00 (−.26–.26)

.03 (−.18–.24)




