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Table 1 Demographics, geographic data, and clinical characteristics of low income women with gestational diabetes in Missouri (n = 1078)

From: Postpartum diabetes screening among low income women with gestational diabetes in Missouri 2010–2015


Median (IQR) or n(%)

Age at delivery

28 (24–33)

Advanced maternal age (35 + at delivery)

211 (19.6)


 White non-Hispanic (or ethnicity unreported)

338 (31.4)

 Black non-Hispanic (or ethnicity unreported)

438 (40.6)


168 (15.6)


45 (4.2)

 Other (Native American, Pacific Islander, More than one Race)

37 (3.4)


52 (4.8)

 Preferred Language other than English

193 (17.9)

 Preferred Language not available

133 (12.3)

Geographic dataa

 Residence in county with metropolitan area > one million (n = 1044)

722 (69.2)

 Lived near public transportation (n = 1063)

739 (69.5)

 Distance from home to nearest health center (km) (n = 1041)

4.7 (2.2–10.4)

 Modified retail food environment index (mRFEI) by census tractb (n = 1053)

9.1 (4.8–14.3)

 Census tract of residence had no healthy food retailers by mRFEI (n = 1053)

199 (18.9)

Selected comorbidities and pregnancy complicationsc

 Pregnancy specific comorbidity index ≥ 1d

777 (72.1)

 Drug abuse

55 (5.1)

 Pre-existing depression

186 (17.3)

 Postpartum depression without pre-existing depression

45 (4.2)


95 (8.8)

 Pre-existing hypertension

153 (14.2)

 Transient gestational hypertension w/o pre-existing hypertension

73 (6.8)

 Mild pre-eclampsia

63 (5.8)

 Severe pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia

50 (4.6)

Selected delivery complicationse

 C-section (prior pregnancy)

258 (23.9)

 C-section (this pregnancy)

369 (34.2)


340 (31.5)

 Cord complication

140 (13.0)


112 (10.4)

 Preterm labor

80 (7.4)

 Abnormal forces of labor

66 (6.1)


67 (6.2)

 Obstruction of labor without dystocia

48 (4.5)

 Shoulder dystocia

40 (3.7)

  1. aMissing geographic data resulted from inability to match to home address to geocode, out of state address listed, or missing clinic information
  2. b Per the CDC, mean mRFEI in Missouri and nationally is 10
  3. c Other comorbidities present in less than 5% of the population: congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), alcohol abuse, pulmonary hypertension, chronic renal disease, sickle cell disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, cardiac valve disease, multiple gestation
  4. d In the validation cohort for the comorbidity index, developed in a Medicaid population, less than half the population had a score of 1 or higher. Each additional point increase in comorbidity index was associated with a 37% increase (95% CI 1.35–1.39) in maternal end organ injury or death from delivery to 30 days postpartum
  5. e Other delivery complications present in less than 5% of the population: fetopelvic disproportion, postpartum hemorrhage, placenta previa, placental abruption, other delivery infection, hypotension, severe laceration