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Table 4 Recommendations suggested by participants

From: Qualitative exploration of the impact of employment and volunteering upon the health and wellbeing of African refugees settled in regional Australia: a refugee perspective

Individual level

 • Training on how to write resumes, job applications, job interview skills

 • Training and education at work on how to manage stress and poor health, and how to enact healthy lifestyle behaviours

Simple, collated resources on where to find work and work experience, especially with online accessibilit

“I thought to myself I have been an [prior job], I can work anywhere but that’s not how it goes. I don’t know how to build a resume, apply.” (ID07)

“So like more open and simple resources that people can understand so that they know what to look for and where to go” (ID02)

“They should put in place mechanism that will help those who are, English is their second language. Especially to help them with interviews” (ID08)

“More training, like how to manage yourself not to stress out…if you see there is a sign of mental health for the other, don’t leave it long, go to see your doctor. If there is a sign of stress or problem inside, emotion, feeling seek help, seek someone that they can go to nurse, go to GP. That is the way that they increase the knowledge that you can manage your life properly” (ID02)

Employer level

 • Culturally sensitive and understanding caseworkers during both settlement process and job seeking process

 • Encouragement or incentives for employers to hire and support settling refugees

 • Opportunities for gaining work experience and training applicable to the Australian workforce

 • Recognition of previous work and educational experience from countries of origin

“If they have a case worker, the case worker should be backed with somebody from that person’s background because somebody can come from an English background but it’s not fluent and secondly might be shy.” (ID08)

“Maybe government advocate for us and say okay refugee need to have a safe employment as well, because we can’t do it” (ID05)

“Anyone who is just volunteering, who is looking after a family, should have a kind of…it can be…first assessment. Their first assessment. To know the persons previous work experience. Someone’s previous education level. Someone’s…their ambition of someone. And see all this kind of things, the big picture of the person.” (ID04)

System level

 • Increased funding for local refugee support organisations

 • More jobs and employers in regional areas to create more job opportunities

“So have to build more companies, to create more jobs, even it can small job but have to open their heart to employ anyone that have experience the job is looking for because most people the job they get is not their own effort it is a connection, like a family connection. So if you don’t have anyone who can connect you to the job you are looking, how can you get a job?” (ID01)

“They [local refugee organisation] really need government support. These guys, they are volunteers. And they put everything together, to settle people, and its…it’s a big task. But they need support” (ID07)