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Table 3 Summary of implementation methods; how and when the participating intervention schools implemented intervention components

From: Process evaluation of a pilot multi-component physical activity intervention – active schools: Skelmersdale


School 1

School 2

School 3

Active classroom breaks

Used within longer morning or afternoon sessions to transition between tasks or break up tasks.

Implemented either at the beginning or end of a morning lesson, usually a maths or English lesson. Sometimes implemented immediately after returning to class from a morning assembly (which included 20–30 min of sitting, twice a week).

Three activity cards were chosen every morning and displayed by the classroom door. Activities were completed before morning break and lunch break as children lined up to leave the classroom. This was more of a Bounce At The Bell approach. Cards were sometimes used within lessons if children were getting restless or they needed a bit of a break.

Bounce At The bell

Deemed inappropriate as there were too many bells that go off in school for different class groups that can be heard by all.

Instead of using the school bell, the class teacher used an alarm sound from a phone which was played to initiate the jump routine. It was used predominantly in the afternoon when attention levels slipped.

Active classroom break cards used at break and lunch time ‘bell’.

Born to Move videos

Videos were used for a whole school ‘wake and shake’ on Tuesday and Friday mornings immediately after registration.

The class went to assembly 15 min early to complete a video. The children tried to complete videos within the classroom environment, but only certain aspects could be done.

This school had more control over their PE lessons and videos were therefore used in PE lessons as an active warm up.

Also used in breakfast club (not all children).

Daily Mile/100 Mile Club

100 Mile Club implemented twice a week during two afternoons that an additional member of support staff joined the class. Children collected counters from a member of staff after each lap of the playground was completed. School staff calculated how many laps/counters was equal to a mile. Children completed their recording sheet once they returned to class, tallying their miles and counters. A classroom display board was made so children could see their own progression.

Children went out to the playground 15 min before lunch time to complete their Daily Mile, 12.00 pm. Afterwards they went straight into the dining hall to eat. Class teacher indicated that it wasn’t daily but rather three times a week at a minimum.

Daily Mile was implemented predominantly in the afternoon period. It was also integrated into PE and swimming (class walk to facilities). Class teacher indicated that it wasn’t daily, most commonly it was three times a week.

Playground activity cards

Activity cards not displayed.

Activity cards were tied to gates and fences around the playground. They began to look ‘scruffy’ after a few weeks because of weather conditions. Some initial engagement from children through curiosity but this wasn’t sustained.

Activity cards were displayed on the inside of a classroom window visible on the playground. A CD player was placed by the window outside where children could do the activities to popular music played out loud. It was predominantly girls that engaged in these activities

Enhanced PE

Limited attempts to decrease sedentary time. Static stretching, elimination within games and whole class feedback.

Some aspects of the SAAFE framework [38] and LET US Play [39] principles adhered to. Organisation of equipment allowed for an immediate start. Space was maximised for small group sizes. Limited teacher involvement.

Some aspects of the SAAFE framework [38] and LET US Play [39] principles adhered to. Warm ups were active with limited static stretching and the class was split into small groups. Sedentary time increased with whole group feedback and the organisation of equipment within the lesson.


Messages were included in 3 parent newsletters in total.

Messages were included in 3 parent newsletters in total.

Messages were included in 6 parent newsletters in total.

Physical activity homework

Attempts were made to hand out recording sheets on a weekly basis. Class teacher believed children lost interest after a few weeks due to having to repeatedly complete a daily recording sheet.

School employ a no homework policy. It was therefore implemented on a voluntary/optional basis and the teacher subsequently found it difficult to enforce. Not all children engaged.

School employ a no homework policy. It was therefore implemented on a voluntary/optional basis. A reward was handed out to the child who completed the most homework before the half term holiday.