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Table 3 Youth data surveys: baseline characterstic of physical activity taking place in different contexts in adolescents aged 15–16 years in 2017

From: The association between physical activity and symptoms of depression in different contexts – a cross-sectional study of Norwegian adolescents




Other organized PA (dance, martial arts etc.)

Independently (running, swimming, cycling etc)

No regular exercise

Depression symptoms


589 (88.4%)

480 (78.8%)

141 (81.5%)

388 (78.1%)

623 (75.2%)


77 (11.6%)

129 (21.2%)

32 (18.5%)

109 (21.9%)

205 (24.8%)



341 (53.5%)

304 (52.9%)

50 (29.8%)

230 (47.9%)

400 (50.1%)


296 (46.5%)

271 (47.1%)

118 (70.2%)

250 (52.1%)

398 (49.9%)

Parents higher education

 Both parents

426 (70.8%)

314 (58.8%)

114 (71.7%)

230 (52.5%)

347 (51.2%)

 One of the parents

99 (16.4%)

126 (23.6%)

30 (18.9%)

108 (24.7%)

163 (24.0%)

 None of the parents

77 (12.8%)

94 (17.6%)

15 (9.4%)

100 (22.8%)

168 (24.8%)

Family economy

 Good economy

557 (85.0%)

476 (79.3%)

133 (78.2%)

368 (75.3%)

559 (68.8%)

 Neither good nor bad economy

80 (12.2%)

91 (15.2%)

28 (16.5%)

88 (18.0%)

176 (21.6%)

 Poor economy

18 (2.7%)

33 (5.5%)

9 (5.3%)

33 (6.7%)

78 (9.6%)



627 (94.0%)

504 (83.0%)

154 (89.5%)

464 (93.2%)

735 (88.7%)


40 (6.0%)

103 (17.0%)

18 (10.5%)

34 (6.8%)

94 (11.3%)

Alcohol consuming

 < 1 time a month

608 (90.9%)

480 (78.8%)

156 (90.2%)

457 (91.8%)

739 (89.3%)

 > 1–3 times a month

61 (9.1%)

129 (21.2%)

17 (9.8%)

41 (8.2%)

89 (10.7%)

  1. Depression symptoms coded as ≥80th percentiles, no depression symptoms coded as <80th percentiles
  2. Only one physical activity context (nr 1, 9, 13, 15 or none 16). PA Physical activity