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Table 1 Examples of research questions at the nexus of migration, health and development to drive policy and practice

From: Migration and health: a global public health research priority

National: What are the experiences of migrants in accessing health care systems? How do these differ along migration trajectories/journeys, and by migrant typology, by age of migrant, by gender, by country of origin? What are their beliefs, understandings, values and health literacy? How (and in what direction) does health vulnerability and resiliency change across the four phases of the migration cycle (pre-departure, during transit, at destination and upon return)?

National: Beyond Member States’ obligations under international human rights law, does providing access to regular primary health care services including preventive services such as immunization for migrants in an irregular situation (rather than only allowing them access to select emergency healthcare) be cost-saving for national healthcare systems? What are the short- and long-term economic effects of restrictive versus integrative approaches/policies?

National/Regional: Does "low-skilled" labour migration (especially from low-income countries) cause negative health and social consequences to those ‘left-behind’ migrant households? Or, do such migrants and their families thrive by use of remittances to purchase better food, health care and education? Do such risks/rewards change over time? What interventions are effective in reducing health vulnerabilities of such migrant families?

Regional/Global: What role does human mobility play in globalization of health risks, and for the reintroduction of diseases such as Malaria in elimination or near elimination settings? To what extent have countries enshrined the right to health for migrant populations within preparedness and response plans for disease outbreaks or other public health events?