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Table 2 Data collection method rational and content

From: Early postnatal home visits: a qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to achieving high coverage


Sample size


Content related to whether a PNC visit occurred

Narrative interviews with recent mothers


To collect in-depth data on personal experiences

• Whether the woman received a PNC visits and when

• If a visit occurred, their perceptions of how the HEW knew they had delivered

• If a visit did not occur their perceptions of why they were not visited

In-depth interviews with recent mothers


To collect in-depth data on perceptions and beliefs around what happens in their community

• The main roles of HEWs and HDAs in the community

• Their perceptions of whether most people in the community receive a PNC visit, when and why

• Whether they received a PNC visit and when

Friendship pair interviews with recent mothers and a close friend


To reduce social desirability bias by collecting data on experiences and beliefs in a comfortable and friendly setting in the presence of a friend

• Whether the recent mother received a PNC visit, when and why/why not

FGDs with mothers, grandmothers, fathers

4 with each group

To collect data on perceptions of what happens in their community through discussions that aim to enhance thinking about the topic

• Whether people in the community are visited, when, and why/why not

FGD with HEW and HDA

2 with each group

To collect data on what HEWs and HDAs do, problems and barriers that they face using methods that aim to enhance thinking about the topic and reduce social desirability bias

• Pile sort of activities done by HEW, including early PNC visit

• Pile sort of activities they view as important and less important, including early PNC

• Root tree analysis of why early PNC visits may not occur