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Table 4 Risk factors considered by included studies for prioritization of risk-based targeted screening in paediatric populations

From: Recommendations for the screening of paediatric latent tuberculosis infection in indigenous communities: a systematic review of screening strategies among high-risk groups in low-incidence countries




Study Setting

Study Population

Risk Factors Considered for Risk-based Screening

Definition or Measurement of Risk Factors

Implications for Risk-based Screening in the Canadian Indigenous Population

Population/Community-Level Risk, Incidence-Based Risk

 Alvarez [24]


Nunavut, Canada

A high-risk Indigenous community in Iqaluit, Nunavut

Community-level high TB incidence

Communities with > 5 TB cases in the past 5 years considered high-incidence

Community-level incidence rates may be an effective guide for prioritizing screening in Canadian Indigenous communities.

 Minodier [30]


Montreal, Canada

Immigrant children and their classmates in Montreal, Canada

Immigrant status, or being in the same class as a child with immigrant status


The study’s conclusion that case identification would have been improved by targeting only immigrant children, rather than screening entire classes that contain immigrant children suggests that increased consideration should be given to the actual incidence rates underlying the classification of certain groups as high-risk, rather than basing screening solely on membership of or contact with these groups themselves.

 Yuan [28]


Toronto, Canada

High-risk (indigenous or immigrant) school children

Birth in a TB-endemic country

Being Indigenous


Similar to Minodier et al.’s findings above (2010), the fact that this strategy was found to be cost-ineffective suggests the importance of incidence-based screening in specific communities, rather than screening entire demographic groups based on status, i.e. Indigenous/immigrant.

 Panchal [33]


Leicester, UK

Recent immigrants to Leicester, UK

Immigrant status

Immigrants identified upon first registering for primary care

Number needed to screen (NNS) was lowest in certain strata of the immigrant population, according to age and TB incidence in their country of origin (specifically 16–35 year olds from areas with TB incidence ranging from 150 to 499/100000), highlighting again the relevance of incidence-based screening in the case of potentially high-risk sub-populations in low-burden countries.

 Pareek [35]



Immigrants attending 177 Primary care facilities in the UK

Sub-factors for risk among immigrants:

- Age

- TB incidence in country of origin

- Geographic region of origin

TB incidence > 40/100,000 in country of origin among < 16 year-olds

TB incidence > 500/100,000 in country of origin, regardless of age

Immigrating from Sub-Saharan Africa

See above

 Pareek [34]


Lancashire, Yorkshire and London, UK

Immigrants attending healthcare centres in the UK

Sub-factors for risk among immigrants:

- Age

- TB incidence in country of origin

TB incidence > 40/100,000 in country of origin among < 16 year-olds

TB incidence > 250/100,000 in country of origin among 16–35 year-olds

See above

Individual Risk

 Trehan [36]



Internationally adopted children in the US

International adoption


The rationale for screening in this population is again related to the high TB incidence rates in certain countries of origin, highlighting the utility of actual incidence-based screening.


Weight-for-age z score <−2.0

Although malnourishment was not a factor considered for initial targeted screening in this study, the finding that malnourished children are more likely to have a positive TST upon repeat testing indicates the potential relevance of including this risk factor in targeted screening efforts among Canadian Indigenous children, as Indigenous communities in Canada are characterised by a high prevalence of food insecurity. (It should be noted that the possibility of boosting of TST reactivity upon repeat testing is acknowledged in the study, but that it is considered less likely to have had an effect in the study, as repeat testing was conducted 3 months after initial testing).

 Flaherman [31]


California, USA

Pre-kindergarten children in California

High-risk children based on risk factor questionnaire

The presence of one or more risk factors included in the Paediatric Tuberculosis Collaborative Group Risk Factor Questionnaire [63] a

As the study found risk-based screening more cost-effective, the use of a risk factor questionnaire to guide targeted screening may be warranted in the Canadian Indigenous population, if adapted based on risk factors relevant to the Indigenous context, such as poor housing conditions, food insecurity and relevant co-morbidities (See b).



Various (see Table 2)

Regular contact with an active TB case (e.g. having a household member with TB)


Although these studies evaluated the accuracy of screening tools rather than a risk-based screening strategy, close contact with an active TB case is a relevant risk factor to consider for targeted screening in paediatric Indigenous communities, due to the comparatively high prevalence of TB in this population in comparison to the overall Canadian population.













 Alvarez [5] (Canadian TB Standards) b



Canadian Indigenous people

Renal disease


HIV co-infection


Inadequate housing


The Indigenous population experiences a higher prevalence of these risk factors for TB infection than the general Canadian population, underlining their potential relevance in risk-based screening in Indigenous communities.

  1. aThis risk factor questionnaire was initially developed for use in the U. S. and includes the following factors:
  2. 1) Birth of the child outside the U. S.
  3. 2) Travel outside the U. S.
  4. 3) Exposure to an active TB case
  5. 4) Close contact with an individual who has had a positive TST
  6. 5) Contact with anyone who has been in jail or a shelter, uses illegal drugs, or is HIV-positive
  7. 6) Consumption of unpasteurized dairy products
  8. 7) Birth of a household member outside the U. S.
  9. 8) Travel of a household member outside the U. S.
  10. Administering a TST was recommended in the original study in the case of the presence of > 1 of the above factors. [63]