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Table 3 Summary of studies included in the review

From: Safer tattooing interventions in prisons: a systematic review and call to action

Study & context

Method or design

Sample or participants


Health outcomes

Other outcomes

Study quality assessment

Nafekh et al. (2009)

Correctional Services Canada

5 men’s & 1 women’s detention centers

Mixed-method: cross-sectional survey/questionnaire, interview with institutional staff members and incarcerated people

Men and women in detention

• 2-pronged:

Operational: a tattoo room in each center attended by trained detainee-tattooists.

Educational: information about the risks of unsafe tattooing for incarcerated people arriving at regional reception centers; guideline documents and pamphlets on the safer tattooing program for detained people from the pilot sites.

• Supervision: by prison staff.

• Duration: 7 months start-up, 12 months implementation, from August 2005 to August 2006.

• Total costs: CAD 960′690.

• Cost to client: CAD 5.00/2-h session.

• Beneficiaries: 1043 tattooing sessions for 324 requests out of 384.

• Enhanced level of knowledge and awareness amongst prison staff and incarcerated people regarding blood-borne infectious disease prevention and control practices.

Potential to reduce harm, reduce exposure to health risk, and enhance the health and safety of staff members (decreased injury from seizing illicit tattooing materials), incarcerated people and the general public with higher risk groups.

87% of interviewed people in detention would prefer to receive safer tattooing services.

• Additional employment opportunities for incarcerated people in the institution, and work skills that are transferable to the community.

Low cost respective to the benefit.

Perceived increase in the demand for tattoos.
