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Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics of patients according to years of starting cART or year of last observation

From: Impact of social determinants on antiretroviral therapy access and outcomes entering the era of universal treatment for people living with HIV in Italy



N = 8023


N = 1543


N = 2166


N = 4314


Gender, n (%)


1434 (17.9%)

453 (29.4%)

368 (17.0%)

613 (14.2%)

< 0.001


6589 (82.1%)

1090 (70.6%)

1798 (83.0%)

3701 (85.8%)

Age at first positive anti-HIV test, n (%)

 < 30

2582 (32.2%)

682 (44.2%)

637 (29.5%)

1263 (29.3%)

< 0.001


2646 (33.0%)

521 (33.8%)

742 (34.4%)

1383 (32.1%)


1709 (21.3%)

221 (14.3%)

475 (22.0%)

1013 (23.5%)

 > 50

1079 (13.5%)

119 (7.7%)

305 (14.1%)

655 (15.2%)

Mode of HIV transmission, n (%)


2773 (34.6%)

590 (38.2%)

816 (37.7%)

1367 (31.7%)

< 0.001


1131 (14.1%)

509 (33.0%)

265 (12.2%)

357 (8.3%)


3528 (44.0%)

342 (22.2%)

942 (43.5%)

2244 (52.0%)


591 (7.4%)

102 (6.6%)

143 (6.6%)

346 (8.0%)


 Elementary school

362 (4.5%)

162 (10.5%)

99 (4.6%)

101 (2.3%)

< 0.001

 Junior high school

1803 (22.5%)

596 (38.6%)

528 (24.4%)

679 (15.7%)

 High school

2576 (32.1%)

423 (27.4%)

708 (32.7%)

1445 (33.5%)


920 (11.5%)

101 (6.6%)

217 (10.0%)

602 (14.0%)

 Missing data

2362 (29.4%)

261 (16.9%)

614 (28.4%)

1487 (34.5%)


 Full time worker

3575 (44.6%)

703 (45.6%)

1100 (50.8%)

1772 (41.1%)

< 0.001


910 (11.3%)

307 (19.9%)

217 (10.0%)

386 (9.0%)

 Self employed

1231 (15.3%)

265 (17.2%)

304 (14.0%)

662 (15.4%)

 Temporary employed

192 (2.4%)

75 (4.9%)

45 (2.1%)

72 (1.7%)


296 (3.7%)

29 (1.9%)

75 (3.5%)

192 (4.5%)


256 (3.2%)

40 (2.6%)

96 (4.4%)

120 (2.8%)


233 (2.9%)

103 (6.7%)

72 (3.3%)

58 (1.3%)


204 (2.5%)

18 (1.2%)

40 (1.9%)

146 (3.4%)

 Missing data

1126 (14.0%)

3 (0.2%)

217 (10.0%)

906 (21.0%)

Residency area

 Northern Italy

4540 (56.6%)

763 (49.5%)

1226 (56.6%)

2551 (59.1%)

< 0.001

 Central Italy

2678 (33.4%)

517 (33.5%)

769 (35.5%)

1392 (32.3%)

 Southern Italy

805 (10.0%)

263 (17.0%)

171 (7.9%)

371 (8.6%)



3589 (44.7%

532 (34.5%)

1040 (48.0%)

2017 (46.8%)

< 0.001


3636 (45.3%)

787 (51.0%)

990 (45.7%)

1859 (43.1%)

 Not known

798 (10.0%)

224 (14.5%)

136 (6.3%)

438 (10.2%)

CDC stage


714 (8.9%)

199 (12.9%)

219 (10.1%)

296 (6.9%)

< 0.001


7309 (91.1%)

1344 (87.1%)

1947 (89.9%)

4018 (93.1%)

Pre treatment CD4 cell/mmc

 < =200

1630 (20.3%)

404 (26.2%)

508 (23.5%)

718 (16.6%)

< 0.001


1952 (24.3%)

516 (33.4%)

699 (32.3%)

737 (17.1%)


1761 (22.0%)

251 (16.3%)

473 (21.8%)

1037 (24.0%)


1913 (23.8%)

308 (20.0%)

291 (13.4%)

1314 (30.5%)

 Missing data

767 (9.6%)

64 (4.2%)

195 (9.0%)

508 (11.8%)

Pre treatment log10 HIV RNA

 < 4

1844 (23.0%)

385 (25.0%)

427 (19.7%)

1032 (23.9%)



1961 (24.4%)

379 (24.6%)

524 (24.2%)

1058 (24.5%)


1644 (20.5%)

363 (23.5%)

478 (22.1%)

803 (18.6%)


1590 (19.8%)

316 (20.5%)

488 (22.5%)

786 (18.2%)

 Missing data

984 (12.3%)

100 (6.5%)

249 (11.5%)

635 (14.7%)

Pregnancy status

 Not pregnant

7715 (96.2%)

1517 (98.3%)

2109 (97.4%)

4089 (94.8%)

< 0.001


30 (0.4%)

5 (0.3%)

7 (0.3%)

18 (0.4%)

 Missing data

278 (3.5%)

21 (1.4%)

50 (2.3%)

207 (4.8%)