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Table 1 Definitions of transmission parameters

From: High-resolution epidemic simulation using within-host infection and contact data





Incubation period

the interval between exposure to a pathogen and initial occurrence of symptoms [79] was defined as from the infection time to the first time the viral load crosses over the detectable threshold (Fig. 2).


Time from symptom onset to recovery [79]

defined as the interval between the first day of detectable viral load and the first day the viral load becomes undetectable (Fig. 2).


Time from symptom onset to death [79]

defined as the interval between the first day with detectable viral load and the day the area under the viral load curve (AUC) crosses the reference threshold AUC7 (Fig. 2).


Basic reproductive number (R0)

calculated based on the network of infected subjects at the end of an epidemic in an initially susceptible population. In a network model, this equals the mean degree distribution of the infected network, considering a directed network without loops (e.g., Fig. 5). The R0 by age-group was also calculated in the same fashion based on the assigned age-attribute. In epidemics with intervention or when the population is not fully susceptible, the R0 is called the effective reproduction number (Re).


Final infected fraction

the proportion of infected nodes at the end of an epidemic simulation.


Case-fatality rate

the proportion of nodes who died as a result of EBOV infection counted at the end of an epidemic simulation.