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Table 1 Demographics of respondents

From: Vaccination hesitancy in the antenatal period: a cross-sectional survey

Demographic items

Number (%)

Age group (N = 222)

 18–24 years

43 (19.4%)

 25–29 years

63 (28.4%)

 30–34 years

73 (32.9%)

 35–39 years

35 (15.8%)

 40–44 years

8 (3.6%)

First baby (N = 228)


80 (35.1%)


148 (64.9%)

Trimester completed survey form (N = 223)

 1st Trimester

2 (0.9%)

 2nd Trimester

85 (38.1%)

 3rd Trimester

136 (61.0%)

Highest year of secondary schooling (N = 223)

 Year 12

163 (73.1%)

 Year 11

13 (5.8%)

 Year 10

39 (17.5%)

 Year 9

6 (2.7%)


2 (0.9%)

Post-secondary qualification (N = 219)

 Yes, trade certificate or apprenticeship

51 (23.3%)

 Yes, other qualification

126 (57.5%)

 No, still studying for 1st qualification

8 (3.7%)


34 (15.5%)

Highest post-secondary qualification (N = 183)

 Professional fellowship qual

3 (1.6%)

 Master’s degree

10 (5.5%)

 Bachelor’s degree

58 (31.7%)

 Assoc degree or diploma

26 (14.2%)

 Cert III or Cert IV

74 (40.4%)

 Cert II or Cert I

12 (6.6%)