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Table 1 Theoretical components of social capital and the constituting items from the Danish Health Profile 2010 survey

From: Social capital and frequent attenders in general practice: a register-based cohort study




Interpersonal Trust

Indicate your agreement with the following statement: “Most people can be trusted.”

1: Completely disagree

2: Disagree

3: Agree

4: Strongly agree

Indicate your agreement with the following statement: “You cannot be too careful when dealing with other people.”

1: Completely disagree

2: Disagree

3: Agree

4: Strongly agree

“How much trust do you have in A: Your family / B: Your colleagues / C: People from your neighborhood / D: First time acquaintances / E: People of a different religion / F: People of a different nationality”a

For each group:

1: Complete trust

2: A fair amount of trust

3: Little trust

4: No trust

Perceived norms of reciprocity

“Do you have someone to talk to when you experience problems or are in need of support?”

1: Yes, often

2: Yes, mostly

3: Yes, occasionally

4: No

“If you experience illness and need practical help (cooking, shopping, cleaning, dressing etc.), can you count on the help of others?”

1: Yes

2: Maybe

3: No

Social network

“How often do you interact with A: Friends / B: Acquaintances / C: Family you aren’t currently living with?”a

For each group:

1: Daily or almost daily

2: Once or twice per week

3: Once or twice per month

4: Less than once per month

“Have you used the following local facilities/attended the following events A: Cinema, theatre or concert venues / B: Cafés, restaurants or nightclubs / C: Events, such as jogging, town festival, health days, and night events etc. within the last month?”a

For each facility:

1: Yes

2: No

Civic engagement

“Are you involved in associations/voluntary work or similar activities? A: Within the city you live in / B: Outside of the city you live in”a

For each activity:

1: Daily or almost daily

2: Once or twice per week

3: Once or twice per month

4: Less than once per month

5: Never

“Have you used the following local facilities A: Church, congregational activities, mosques, synagogues / B: Clubs for the elderly / C: Youth clubs or similar / D: Town or village hall/ community center within the last month?”a

For each facility:

1: Yes

2: No

  1. a Letters indicate separate items. The original questionnaire is in Danish, the translations are by the main author