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Table 1 Search strategy used in different databases

From: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Bangladesh: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the studies




1. exp Metabolic Syndrome X/

2. exp. Syndrome/

3. Insulin resistance

4. exp. Hypertension/

5. high blood

6. exp. Hyperlipidemias/

7. lipid

8. 4 or 5

9. 6 or 7

10. exp. Hyperglycemia/

11. exp. Diabetes Mellitus/

12. high blood

13. 10 or 11 or 12

14. exp. Obesity, Abdominal/

15. 8 and 9

16. 8 and 14

17. 8 and 13

18. 9 and 14

19. 9 and 13

20. 13 and 14

21. exp. Prevalence/

22. exp. Bangladesh/

23. 1 or 2 or 3 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20

24. 21 and 22 and 23

Search (((((((((((Metabolic Syndrome) OR Syndrome) OR Insulin resistance syndrome) OR ((((Hypertension) OR high blood pressure)) AND ((Hyperlipidemia) OR lipid disorder))) OR ((((Hypertension) OR high blood pressure)) AND (((hyperglycemia) OR diabetes mellitus) OR high blood sugar))) OR ((abdominal obesity) AND ((Hypertension) OR high blood pressure))) OR ((((Hyperlipidemia) OR lipid disorder)) AND (((hyperglycemia) OR diabetes mellitus) OR high blood sugar))) OR ((abdominal obesity) AND ((Hyperlipidemia) OR lipid disorder))) OR ((abdominal obesity) AND (((hyperglycemia) OR diabetes mellitus) OR high blood sugar)))) AND prevalence) AND Bangladesh

1. exp Metabolic Syndrome X/

2. exp. Syndrome/

3. Insulin resistance

4. exp. Hypertension/

5. high blood

6. exp. Hyperlipidemia/

7. lipid

8. exp. hyperglycemia/

9. exp. diabetes mellitus/

10. high blood

11. exp. abdominal obesity/

12. 4 or 5

13. 6 or 7

14. 8 or 9 or 10

15. 12 and 13

16. 12 and 14

17. 11 and 12

18. 13 and 14

19. 11 and 13

20. 11 and 14

21. 1 or 2 or 3 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20

22. exp. prevalence/

23. exp. Bangladesh/

24. 21 and 22 and 23