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Table 1 ICD catalogues and codes

From: An analysis of suicide trends in Scotland 1950–2014: comparison with England & Wales


ICD catalogue and codes for ‘Intentional self-harm’

ICD catalogue and codes for ‘Deaths of undetermined intent’

1950 to 1957

ICD6 E970-E979

Did not exist

1958to 1967

ICD7 E970-E979

Did not exist

1968 to 1978

ICD8 E950-E959

ICD8 E980-E989

1979 to 1999

ICD9 E950-E959

ICD9 E980-E989

2000 to 2014

ICD10 X60-X84, Y87.0

ICD10 Y10-34, Y87.2

  1. ICD catalogue and codes used for deaths by suicide by the National Records of Scotland during the timespan 1950-2014