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Table 1 Semi-Structured Interview Questions

From: Perspectives of Aboriginal women on participation in mammographic screening: a step towards improving services

Broad Domain


Personal experiences of screening

Have you had a screening mammogram?

 Could you please tell me if you have had a mammogram?

 If yes, what encouraged you and how did you feel about having one? If not, what prevented  you from doing so?

Barriers to screening

What do you think discourages Aboriginal women from having a mammogram?

 Would you be able to tell me about any cultural or spiritual meanings/ beliefs/ understanding  that are attached to cancer among Aboriginal people that might explain why fewer Aboriginal  women go for screening?

 Do you think Aboriginal women know about the breast screening services that are available?

 What do you think are the existing barriers for Aboriginal women with respect to breast screening  services, including access (i.e. distances that have to be travelled, limited times available, etc.),  follow-up, cultural, social, financial, any others?

 Have you heard Aboriginal women discussing the kind of experiences that they have had when  dealing with screening services?

 Please explain by highlighting any experiences that you may have heard of (or may have had personally).

Improvement of services

What do you think could be done to encourage more Aboriginal women to have a mammogram?

 How do you think the breast screening services should be organized so that they are more culturally  sensitive and appropriate and might be better used by Aboriginal women?

 What else could be put in place to ensure more Aboriginal women access breast screening services?