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Table 1 EPAO for FCCH scoring rubric based on best practicea (BP) compliance

From: Assessment of nutrition and physical activity environments in family child care homes: modification and psychometric testing of the Environment and Policy Assessment and Observation

Overall score component

Environmental sub-scores

(# BP compliance items)

Example best practices

Overall nutrition score

Range: 0–21

Seven nutrition-related environmental sub-scores


 • Food provided (12 BPs)

• Fruit (not juice) served ≥2 times per day


 • Beverages provided (5 BPs)

• 100% fruit juice served ≤2 times per week


 • Feeding environment (7 BPs)

• Children served food family style


 • Feeding practices (8 BPs)

• Teachers always praise children for trying new or less preferred foods


 • Menus and variety (1 BP)

• Menu cycle is ≥3 weeks


 • Nutrition education and professional development (4 BPs)

• Children participate in planned nutrition education ≥1 time per week


 • Nutrition policy (1 BP)

• There is a comprehensive, written nutrition policy

Overall physical activity score

Range: 0–30

Ten physical activity-related environmental sub-scores


 • Time provided for physical activity (3 BPs)

• Preschool children are provided with ≥120 min per day of physical activity


 • Indoor play equipment (2 BPs)

• A large variety of equipment is available and in good condition to use indoors


 • Physical activity practices (3 BPs)

• Teachers never take away physical activity for longer than 5 min as a way of managing child behaviors


 • Physical activity education and professional development (4 BPs)

• Teachers and staff receive professional development of child physical activity ≥2 times per year


 • Physical activity policy (1 BP)

• There is a comprehensive, written physical activity policy


 • Time provided for outdoor play (2 BPs)

• Preschool children and toddlers get outside playtime ≥3 times per day


 • Outdoor play environment (5 BPs)

• Portable play equipment is always available during outdoor playtime


 • Screen time (4 BPs)

• No TV present or stored outside of classroom


 • Screen time practices (2 BPs)

• Screen time is rarely/never used as a reward


 • Screen time policy (1 BP)

• There is a comprehensive, written screen time policy

  1. aBest Practice (BP) compliance is based on a series of evidence-based, or evidence-informed nutrition and physical activity practices associated with healthy weight development in preschool-aged children