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Fig. 1 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 1

From: Local measles vaccination gaps in Germany and the role of vaccination providers

Fig. 1

Vaccination coverage with at least one measles vaccination, County Reutlingen (worst case and best case). Illustration of the vaccination coverage (for at least one vaccination) on different community levels. Data were collected in 2014/15 in County Reutlingen (Baden-Württemberg, South Germany) during school enrolment (ESU). The figures display the best-case scenario, where all children without vaccination certificates were omitted from analysis (left), and the worst-case scenario (right), where these children were regarded as unvaccinated. The local vaccination coverage was colour-coded (see inlet). The areas of the kindergartens are proportional to the number of children for whom data were available (see inlet). To ensure the anonymity of kindergartens, the dots do not represent real geographic locations

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