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Table 2 Questionnaire data on screen-time behaviors and activities performed separate from preschool hours on weekdays and during all waking hours on weekend days (N = 899). Test for difference between girls and boys from multiple linear regression model (GEE)

From: Objectively measured physical activity patterns, sedentary time and parent-reported screen-time across the day in four-year-old Swedish children


Girls Mean (SE)

Boys Mean (SE)

Girls vs. boys Difference (95% CI)a


 Play outdoors (minutes/day)

85.1 (4.2)

95.9 (4.4)

−10.8 (−22.2, 0.6)

 Play indoors (minutes/day)

176.0 (6.1)

171.6 (4.3)

4.4 (−9.1, 18.0)

 Playing video games (minutes/day)

16.1 (1.4)

24.5 (1.2)

−8.4 (−11.8, −4.9)

 Watching TV (minutes/day)

85.8 (2.4)

78.9 (2.8)

6.9 (−0.5, 14.2)

 Total screen time (minutes/day)

100.8 (2.8)

101.9 (3.2)

−1.1 (−9.7, 7.5)

Weekend day

 Play outdoors (minutes/day)

174.7 (4.6)

189.3 (4.8)

−14.6 (−28.6, −0.6)

 Play indoors (minutes/day)

256.5 (6.2)

251.9 (3.8)

4.6 (−10.0, 19.2)

 Playing video games (minutes/day)

27.1 (1.7)

40.4 (1.8)

−13.3 (−18.4, −8.2)

 Watching TV (minutes/day)

118.6 (2.3)

115.1 (2.7)

3.5 (−3.0, 9.9)

 Total screen time (minutes/day)

146.0 (3.5)

155.8 (3.5)

−9.9 (−18.4, −1.3)

  1. aAdjusted for wear time and parental education, SE standard error, CI confidence interval