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Table 2 Qualitative themes and subthemes

From: The Antibiotic Guardian campaign: a qualitative evaluation of an online pledge-based system focused on making better use of antibiotics



Campaign awareness

 • Employer and professional networks

 • Invitation (e.g. via email)

 • Social media

 • Can’t remember

 • News bulletins

 • Radio

Campaign decision making

Reasons for signing up and initial impressions

 • Interest / concern about AMR

 • Lack of awareness / interest in raising awareness of AMR

 • Pre-existing knowledge of correct use of antibiotics

 • Moral duty and personal responsibility

 • Willingness and ability to help

 • Furthering career/professional interest

 • Likened to signing a petition

 • Blame felt regarding antibiotic resistance

 • Failure of current messages to change mind sets

 • Access and use campaign promotional materials

 • Previous illness experience

 • Minimal effort / easy to sign up

Pledge group

 • Most pertinent / relevant

 • Qualifying for more than one group

 • Ability to have an impact

 • Other pledge group suggested

Pledge choices

 • Pledge matched behaviour already performed

 • Relevance of pledge

 • Greatest perceived impact

 • More than one pledge relevant

 • Specific pledge feedback

 • Different or amended pledges preferred/suggested

  • Simplicity/clarity of information

 • Age of child

 • Breadth of pledge

Pledge recall


Impact of campaign

 • Limited personal impact of campaign

 • Value of the campaign

 • Number of people signed up

 • Raised awareness

 • Reduced antibiotic use

 • Unintended consequences

 • Time needed for impact

 • Reduced antibiotic resistance

 • Reducing workload of GP

 • Reaching a wider audience

 • Visibility of campaign