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Table 4 Characteristics of non-pregnant women of childbearing age by site and stunting

From: Anthropometric indices for non-pregnant women of childbearing age differ widely among four low-middle income populations


Equateur Province, DRC

Chimaltenango, Guatemala

N Karnataka, India

Thatta, Pakistan

Stunted (n = 242)

Not stunted (n = 1499)

Stunted (n = 1364)

Not stunted (n = 331)

Stunted (n = 716)

Not stunted (n = 1107)

Stunted (n = 511)

Not stunted (n = 1498)

Maternal age categories, n (%)

 15–18 y

57 (23.6)

341 (22.7)

105 (7.7)

31 (9.4)

96 (13.4)

180 (16.3)

88 (17.2)

187 (12.5)

 19–24 y

107 (44.2)

604 (40.3)

572 (41.9)

139 (42.0)

429 (59.9)

672 (60.7)

197 (38.6)

594 (39.7)

 25–37 y

78 (32.2)

554 (37.0)

687 (50.4)

161 (48.6)

191 (26.7)

255 (23.0)

226 (44.2)

717 (47.9)

Parity categories, n (%)


84 (34.7)

429 (28.6)

95 (7.0)

40 (12.1)

238 (33.2)

364 (32.9)

212 (41.5)

547 (36.5)


104 (43.0)

668 (44.6)

851 (62.4)

217 (65.6)

436 (60.9)

680 (61.4)

157 (30.7)

498 (33.2)

 ≥ 3

54 (22.3)

402 (26.8)

418 (30.6)

74 (22.4)

42 (5.9)

63 (5.7)

142 (27.8)

453 (30.2)

Maternal education categorized, n (%)

 No formal schooling

81 (33.5)

290 (19.3)

122 (8.9)

15 (4.5)

67 (9.4)

72 (6.5)

420 (82.2)

1220 (81.4)


139 (57.4)

862 (57.5)

958 (70.2)

190 (57.4)

125 (17.5)

150 (13.6)

66 (12.9)

169 (11.3)


22 (9.1)

347 (23.1)

284 (20.8)

126 (38.1)

524 (73.2)

885 (79.9)

25 (4.9)

109 (7.3)

Tally of indicators of higher SESa n (%)

 0 indicators present

165 (68.2)

719 (48.0)

2 (0.1)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

10 (2.0)

46 (3.1)

 1–2 present

75 (31.0)

754 (50.3)

175 (12.8)

17 (5.1)

91 (12.7)

93 (8.4)

244 (47.7)

650 (43.4)

 3–4 present

2 (0.8)

26 (1.7)

771 (56.5)

194 (58.6)

479 (66.9)

698 (63.1)

174 (34.1)

547 (36.5)

 5–6 present

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

416 (30.5)

120 (36.3)

146 (20.4)

316 (28.5)

83 (16.2)

255 (17.0)

  1. a In order to compare socio-economic status (SES) across sites, we looked at commonly reported indicators of SES, namely 1) electricity, 2) improved water source, 3) sanitation, 4) man-made flooring, 5) improved cooking fuels, and 6) household assets. Improved water source includes faucet inside house, public tap, other pipe source, public well, mechanical pump well, bore well within home, protected water source; improved cooking fuel includes electricity, LPG, natural gas, kerosene, or coal; assets include: radio, TV, telephone, bike, motorcycle/motor scooter, or refrigerator, or household owns a car or truck. We tallied these six indicators and reported the proportion of families without any, with 1–2 indicators, with 3–4 indicators, and 5–6 of these indicators present