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Table 3 Immunization coverage by region among children aged 12–23 months during the DHS, 2010–2011

From: Determinants of complete immunization among senegalese children aged 12–23 months: evidence from the demographic and health survey


National n = 2199

West n = 1534

North n = 246

East n = 136

South n = 283


2083 (94.70%)

1467 (95.63%)

228.6 (93.10%)

266 (94.00%)

119 (88.40%)

Polio 0a

1741 (79.20%)

1291 (84.13%)

180.4 (73.40%)

77 (57.43%)

191 (67.64%)


2063 (93.80%)

1450 (94.45%)

224 (91.05%)

122 (89.00%)

279 (98.50%)

Penta 2

1998 (90.80%)

1414 (92.17%)

216 (87.80%)

114 (70.00%)

257 (90.81%)

Penta 3

1817 (82.60%)

1301 (84.81%)

188 (76.42%)

95 (69.80%)

238 (84.10%)


2081 (94.60%)

1462 (95.30%)

225 (91.40%)

123 (90.40%)

272 (96.11%)


1994 (90.70%)

1412 (92.04%)

212 (86.50%)

115 (84.60%)

257 (90.81%)


1598 (72.70%)

1133 (73.85%)

169 (68.70%)

82 (60.74%)

218 (77.00%)


1805 (82.10%)

1133 (73.85%)

134 (54.50%)

62 (46.00%)

194 (66.87%)

All antigensb

1381 (62.80%)

996 (64.90%)

187 (76.01%)

101 (74.20%)

235 (83.30%)

  1. BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
  2. Penta diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B vaccine and haemophilus influenzae b
  3. 0PV Oral Polio Vaccine
  4. PCV Pneumococcus conjugated vaccine
  5. N weighted total number of children
  6. aPolio 0 is the oral polio vaccination given within 24 h after birth
  7. bIncludes a single dose of BCG vaccine, three doses of Pentavalent vaccines and three doses of Polio vaccine (excluding the birth) and the first dose of measles vaccine