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Fig. 3 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 3

From: Health economic evaluation of Human Papillomavirus vaccines in women from Venezuela by a lifetime Markov cohort model

Fig. 3

Deterministic Sensitivity Analysis: Tornado graph for QALYs differences. Discount rate = 5%. Abbreviations: T_pob: HPVlr_NoHPV = transition probability to regress from low risk HPV to no HPV; Scenario_Crossprotection = refers to the presence of lifetime cross-protection or no cross-protection at all; T_prob: HPVOnc_NoHPV = Transition probability to regress from infection with oncogenic HPV to no HPV; T_prob: HPVOnc_CIN1 = Transition probability to progress from infection with oncogenic HPV to CIN1; T_prob: CIN1Onc_CIN2/3 = Transition probability to progress from infection with oncogenic HPV and CIN1 to CIN2/3; T_prob: CIN2/3_Cancer = Transition probability to progress from CIN2/3 to cancer; T_prob: CIN1Onc_cured = Transition probability to cure from oncogenic HPV infection with CIN1; T_prob: CIN2/3_Cured = Transition probability to cure from CIN2/3; T_prob: Cancer_Cured = Transition probability to cure from cervical cancer; Vac_efficacy_1618_Cervarix = Vaccine efficacy for oncogenic types with quadrivalent vaccine; Vac_efficacy_1618_Gardasil = Vaccine efficacy for oncogenic types with bivalent vaccine; Vac_eff_other_Gardasil = Vaccine efficacy for non-vaccine oncogenic HPV types with bivalent vaccine; Perc_HPV_6_11 = Proportion of HPV 6 and 11 in genital warts; Perc_other_CC = Proportion of non-vaccine oncogenic HPV types among Cervical Cancer; Perc_HPVOnc = Proportion of HPV 16 and 18 among Cervical Cancer; QALYs: quality-adjusted life years; HPV: Human Papillomavirus

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