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Table 2 Data collection & measurement protocol

From: HealtheSteps™ Study Protocol: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial promoting active living and healthy lifestyles in at-risk Canadian adults delivered in primary care and community-based clinics

Outcome Measure

Equipment required


Self-Reported Physical Activity

Average steps/day

Pedometer (Yamax Digiwalker SW-200 with security strap)

• Participants wear pedometers during waking hours for a 7-day period (putting pedometer on upon waking and removing immediately before sleeping), but not during showering/bathing

• Participants are asked to wear the pedometer at the waist, centered over their most dominant foot

• Participants record the number of steps completed each day on a paper-based tracking form

Total physical activity (MET-min/weeka)

International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) – Short Form [43]

• Self-completed paper‐based questionnaire

• Participants recall information on vigorous activities, moderate activities, walking, and sitting

• Sedentary time is measured with a single question (minutes spent sitting on a typical week day)

• The IPAQ provides guidelines for data processing and score creation

Time spent in sedentary activity (min/day)

Clinical Measurements

Weight (kg and percentage of baseline weight)

Digital Weight Scale (Tanita HD 351)

• Light clothing, no shoes and empty pockets

• Blinded assessor post-baseline in private area

Body mass index (kg/m2)

Digital weight scale (Tanita HD‐351)

Portable stadiometer (seca 213)

• BMI calculated using the participant’s objectively measured height and weight

• Height measured without shoes

Waist circumference (cm)

Tape measure

• Follows protocol outlined by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada [44]

• Two measurements taken to record an average; if measurements differ by more than 5 mm, a third measurement is taken and used in the average

Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)

Digital BP monitor (BP Tru BPM-100)

• Participants sit quietly for 5 min prior to the first measurement; 3 measurements will be taken, 2 min apart. The first one is discarded, and the average of the last two is recorded.

• Feet flat on the floor, arm free of clothing, cuff at the level of heart and arm resting, same arm used (left arm preferred), no talking

Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)

Self-Reported Eating

Fatty Food Score

Modified version of the Dietary Instrument for Nutrition Education (DINE) [46]

• Self-completed paper-based questionnaire

• Participants recall eating habits over the last 7 days

• Methods published by FFIT will be followed to calculate a fatty food score (possible range 8–68) and sugary food score (possible range 3–16), with higher scores indicative of higher consumption

• Fruit and vegetable consumption is measured with a single question

Sugary Food Score

Fruit and vegetable consumption

Total healthful eating score

Starting the Conversation [45]

• Self-completed paper-based questionnaire

• Designed for dietary assessment and intervention in a clinical setting

• Participants recall eating habits over the past few months (on average) on 8 different items

• A total healthful eating score (possible range 0–16) is calculated, whereby a lower score indicates a more healthful diet

Health-Related Quality of Life

Self-Rated Health [visual analog scale (VAS) score]

European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions Questionnaire - 3 Level Version (EQ‐5D- 3 L) [48]

• Self-completed paper-based questionnaire

• For purposes of this study, the VAS score will be used to assess current state of health on a scale from 0 (worst imaginable state of health) to 100 (best imaginable state of health)

  1. aMETs (metabolic equivalents) are multiples of the resting metabolic rate; MET-minute = multiplying the MET score of an activity by the minutes performed