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Table 1 Text message design and examples focused on hookah and electronic cigarettes (vaping)

From: Developing mobile phone text messages for tobacco risk communication among college students: a mixed methods study

Message type


Message features



Uses formal tone

Long sentences, scholarly vocabulary


Uses informal tone

Short, concise, language trends i.e. slang, popular text message abbreviations



Conveys positive consequences of healthy behavior

Positive effects attained and negative effects that are reduced by avoiding products


Conveys negative consequences of unhealthy behavior

Negative effects when products are used



Designed to evoke joy, fear, sarcasm, anger, sympathy, and humor around products

Emotional words, emotional context, and symbols representing either a smile or a frown


Presents logic and facts derived from scientific literature

Statements that use logic

Examples of Types of Messages


Electronic Cigarettes


Water is not a filter. Ppl who smoke hookah are exposed to chemicals that are thought to be cleaned out by the pipe’s water.

Families who use e-juice put their toddler at risk since kids under 5 are most vulnerable to accidental e-juice poisoning.


Ppl who smoke hookah have a higher chance of getting gross mouth herpes since they’re swapping germs thru mouthpieces. :(

Get this! The FDA can’t inform ppl of what’s in e-cigs. Ppl who vape lose control of what goes in their bodies. :( #WhatsInAVape


Be free! Rejecting hookah helps ppl escape TWICE the amount of nicotine in a cig & the handcuffs of a crippling addiction! :)

Ppl who don’t use e-cigs keep little ones from making the tragic mistake of drinking e-cig juice & needing a terrifying trip to the ER. :)


Ppl who know the truth about hookah are safe from its smoke which has 36x more tar than a single cig. 

Ever heard of e-juice & e-cigs? Staying away from e-cigs can lower the risk of becoming addicted since e-cigs are used to keep ppl craving nicotine.


People who socialize in hookah bars are more likely to experience respiratory conditions related to tobacco use.

Utilizing electronic cigarettes may lead to nicotine poisoning. Nicotine levels in refill cartridges can be inaccurately labeled with levels often higher than advertised.


Letting your mouth write a check that your lungs cannot cash? College students frequenting hookah bars underestimate its damaging effects, leading to lung disorders. :(

Familiar with the liquid nicotine that fuels electronic cigarettes? Beware! Each drop specializes in dragging people into an abyss of addictive desire for these products! :(


Germaphobe Jo has seen and smelled a fungus-covered toenail. Since she prefers fungus-free lungs, she avoids hookah pipes and the fungus that lurks within. :)

Avoid contamination! Electronic cigarettes are NOT regulated! Abstaining from vaping prevents breaches of potentially dangerous unknown substances into the body. :)

  1. Abbreviations
  2. e-cigs electronic cigarettes
  3. e-cig juice liquid nicotine used to refill ENDS
  4. ppl people
  5. cigs cigarettes