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Table 1 Baseline demographics and built environment features by use of the built environment

From: Parental perception of built environment characteristics and built environment use among Latino families: a cross-sectional study



N = 406


N = 65

Users [of any]

N = 341

Demographic Characteristic

 Age (years), mean (SD)

32.0 (6.1)

32.1 (6.8)

32.0 (5.9)

 Gender (female), n(%)

400 (98.5%)

63 (96.9%)

337 (98.8%)

 Ethnicity (Latino), n(%)

366 (90.2%)

56 (86.2%)

310 (90.9%)

 Marital Status (single), n(%)

72 (17.8%)

12 (18.8%)

60 (17.7%)

 Employed, n(%)

160 (39.5%)

24 (36.9%)

136 (40.0%)

 SNAP participant, n(%)

306 (75.6%)

50 (78.1%)

256 (75.1%)

 BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)

29.8 (5.8)

30.2 (5.2)

29.8 (5.9)

 Self-Efficacy, mean (SD)

6.4 (3.0)

6.3 (2.9)

6.4 (3.1)

Built Environment Feature

 Number of structures available, mean (SD)

2.8 (1.5)

1.8 (1.0)

3.0 (1.5)

 Average condition of available structures, mean (SD)

2.4 (0.8)

2.6 (0.9)

2.3 (0.7)

 Perceived Safety of the Built Environment, mean (SD)

11.3 (5.0)

10.6 (5.2)

11.5 (5.0)

  1. SNAP supplemental nutrition assistance program