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Table 2 Main similarities and differences between the WHO 2003 ART Guidelines and the Malawi 2003 ART Guidelines

From: Act local, think global: how the Malawi experience of scaling up antiretroviral treatment has informed global policy


WHO 2003 ART Guidelines

Malawi 2003 ART Guidelines

When to start ART

Stage 4, Stage 3, Stage 2 with CD4 count or Total Lymphocyte count below threshold, Stage 1 with CD4 count below threshold

Followed WHO Guidance

What to start

Choice of 4 first-line ART regimens based on d4T/AZT, 3TC or EFV/NVP

One first-line ART regimen only (d4T + 3TC + NVP) with alternatives if toxicity occurred

How to start ART

No specific advice

Advice about staging patients, group counselling and individual counselling and how to manage the first 2 weeks on half-dose nevirapine

Clinical and laboratory monitoring

Recommended tiered laboratory capabilities based on level of health care facility

Emphasised clinical monitoring only due to poor country-wide laboratory infrastructure

Adherence to medication

General advice about adherence and monitoring

Specific advice around pill counting


Advice about dosing—recommendations for not splitting fixed-dose tablets

Advice about splitting first-line fixed-dose ART according to weight


Advice based on CD4 count or consideration of ART based on clinical judgement

Advice about starting all HIV-infected TB patients on ART in continuation phase with isoniazid and ethambutol

Standardised treatment outcomes on life-long ART

No advice given

Standardised treatment outcomes defined

Programmatic monitoring, recording and reporting

No advice given

Advice about patient identity cards, patient treatment master cards, patient ART registers and patient cohort analysis


No advice given

Advice about quarterly supervision of all ART clinics including drug security checks

ARV drug procurement and distribution

No advice given

Advice about “start packs” and “continuation packs” and how to forecast drug needs

  1. ART antiretroviral therapy, WHO World Health Organization, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, TB tuberculosis, d4T stavudine, AZT zidovudine, NVP nevirapine, EFV efavirenz