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Table 1 Themes based on Rogers’ Innovation-decision process model [18] influencing the decision to adopt the Eat Well Campaign: Food Skills (EWC)

From: Factors influencing the adoption of a healthy eating campaign by federal cross-sector partners: a qualitative study

Parent themes and subthemes


Prior conditions

All prior experiences, perceptions and attitudes that can shape the organization’s knowledge about the EWC and persuade them to adopt it

Previous practice

Any organizational experiences that can help create knowledge about the EWC


The organization’s perception of the EWC as a new idea

Norms of the social system

Perceptions of practices and behaviors that the organization is expected to conduct in relation to the EWC. These norms are set by the organizations’ social network (peers, clients, public, audience, etc.)

Perceived need or problem

The recognition of the organization’s internal need or problem that can be addressed by adopting the EWC

Characteristics of the adoptera

Any characteristic of the decision making unit (i.e. organization) that will shape their knowledge and attitudes towards the EWC

Communication behaviour

Descriptors of the organizations’ internal and external communication style, habits, exposure to media and involvement in social and public networks

Personality variables

Human personality characteristics perceived to be associated with or attributed to the organization

Characteristics of the innovationb

Characteristics of the EWC perceived by the organizations that may persuade them to adopt it


The perception by organizations that the EWC is consistent with their existing values, practices, experiences or needs


The perception by organizations that the EWC is difficult to understand or implement

Relative advantages

The perception by organizations that the EWC is better than potential alternatives and can be measured in terms of benefits

  1. aSocioeconomic characteristics is the final characteristic of the decision making unit, but none emerged and therefore this subtheme was not included
  2. bTriability and observability are the other two characteristics of the innovation that are commonly investigated; however, they were not relevant to the EWC and these subthemes were not included