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Table 1 Serological findings and general clinical and demographic data according to study year: seropositive = >10 IU/mL; low titer = 10–15 IU/mL; GA – gestational age in weeks; age sampling – mean age of sampling in days; BP % – percentage of subjects havinh received blood/blood products; maternal age – mean age of mothers; SD standard deviation, CI confidence interval

From: Rubella immune status of neonates – a window towards seroprevalence among childbearing women






Serological findings

 Seropositive (%)

540/599 (90.2 %)

380/406 (93.6 %)

160/193 (82.9 %)


 Mean IgG titer (SD)

71 IU/mL (62)

79 IU/mL (62)

46 IU/mL (57)


 % low titer IgG (95 % CI)

5 (3.5–7)

4.9 (3.2–7.5)

5.2 (2.8–9.2)

-- a

Clinical and demographic data

 Male No (%)

311 (51.4 %)

201 (49.6 %)

104 (53.6 %)


 Female No (%)

294 (48.6 %)

204 (50.4 %)

90 (46.4 %)


 GA (SD)

32.7 (3.8)

32.5 (3.9)

32.9 (3.5)


 Mean age of neonates (SD)

18.6 (22.1)

20.1 (24.3)

16.9 (19.2)


 BP % (95%CI)

34.7 (31.0–38.6)

35.1 (30.6–39.8)

32.6 (26.4–39.5)


 Maternal age in years (range)

30.2 (15–48)

30.1 (16–48)

30.3 (15–45)


  1. aindicates no statistically significant difference