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Table 3 Summary of actual or proposed adaptions and rationale

From: Translating an early childhood obesity prevention program for local community implementation: a case study of the Melbourne InFANT Program




Program material supplemented with local information/resources

• Tailor to needs of local population (culturally and linguistically diverse groups)

• Provide information on local services/facilities

All areas

Use Maternal and Child Health nurses or parenting workers to deliver the Program (instead of dietitians as per the trial)

• More cost effective

• Limited capacity of dietitians

• Good fit with existing role of MCH nurses and parenting workers


Recruit parents outside of first time parent groups

• To increase recruitment to the Program and reach


Reducing the number of sessions from 6 to 3 or 4.

• To reduce burden on facilitators and make the Program more viable to run

• To fit with existing first time parent groups and individual Maternal and Child Health nurse consultations

2, 5

Plan to offer age specific group sessions open to anyone

• Reduce administrative burden of recruiting and following up multiple groups over time

• Open up the Program to more parents potentially improving reach

1, 2

Amalgamate some groups for sessions beyond 12 months of age

• To address lower retention rates amongst parents with older babies

• To make groups viable, limited capacity of facilitators


Key program messages were integrated into an existing program format

• Successful existing program already underway


  1. Area 1,2,3,5: metropolitan Melbourne, Area 4 regional Victoria