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Table 1 Research questions and analytic approaches

From: Promoting physical activity and health literacy: study protocol for a longitudinal, mixed methods evaluation of a cross-provider workplace-related intervention in Germany (The AtRisk study)

Research question

Analytic approach


1. How many persons participate in the intervention?

2. By what means were the participants recruited?

Quantitative study

Qualitative study


1. Is there a difference in leisure time physical activity between the cross-provider intervention and the control intervention?

2. Is there a difference in health literacy between the intervention and the control intervention?

Quantitative study

Quantitative study


1. How many providers offer the cross-provider intervention?

2. How many companies cooperate in the cross-provider intervention?

3. How many statutory social insurers cooperate in the cross-provider intervention?

Qualitative study

Qualitative study

Qualitative study


1. Is the intervention conducted according to the manual?

2. What are the facilitators and barriers for the cross-provider intervention?

3. What are the different stakeholders’ expectations and needs regarding health coaching in a work-related setting?

4. What are costs associated with implementation for the different stakeholders?

Qualitative study

Qualitative study

Qualitative study

Qualitative study


1. Is there a difference in leisure time physical activity between the cross-provider intervention and the control intervention at six month follow-up?

2. Is there a difference in health literacy between the intervention and the control intervention at six month follow-up?

3. What structures resources were built in companies, providers and social insurers to implement the cross-provider intervention in daily routine?

Quantitative study

Quantitative study

Qualitative study