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Table 1 Guidelines for Child Health Behaviours

From: The impact of different types of parental support behaviours on child physical activity, healthy eating, and screen time: a cross-sectional study



Child’s Age


Physical Activity

Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)

<1 years

Be physically active several times daily

1-4 years

Accumulate at least 180 min of physical activity at any intensity throughout the day

5-17 years

Accumulate at least 60 min of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily

Healthy Eating

Canada’s Food Guide from Health Canada

2-3 years

4 fruit & vegetable (FV) servings per day

4-8 years

5 FV servings per day

9-13 years

6 FV servings per day

14-18 years

Females: 7 FV servings per day

Males: 8 FV servings per day

Screen Time

Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)

<2 years

Screen time is not recommended

2-4 years

Screen time should be limited to under 1 h per day

5-17 years

Limit recreational screen time to no more than 2 h per day