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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Consumption (AUDIT-C) is more useful than pre-existing laboratory tests for predicting hazardous drinking: a cross-sectional study


Male (N = 174)

Female (N = 160)

Age (years) a

58.4 (16.2)

56.8 (17.6)

BMI (kg/m2) a

25.1 (4.7)

23.5 (4.7)


35 (21.0 %)

28 (21.4 %)


36 (21.6 %)

27 (20.6 %)


46 (27.9 %)

34 (27.0 %)

AST (IU/l) c

29 (12–209)

24 (9–1165)

ALT (IU/L) c

28 (6–226)

19 (6–1573)

AST/ALT ratioa

1.21 (0.6)

1.36 (0.6)

GGT (IU/L) c

56.5 (10–1932)

25 (8–588)

MCV (fl) a

89.9 (8.3)

88.8 (5.1)


10 (5.7 %)

8 (5.0 %)


22 (12.6 %)

20 (12.5 %)

  1. aMean (SD), bnumber (%), cmedian (range). AST aspartate transaminase, ALT alanine transaminase, BMI body mass index, GGT γ-glutamyltransferase, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, HCV-Ab hepatitis C virus-antibody, MCV mean corpuscular volume