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Table 1 Summary of assessments of AFLY5 mediators

From: The Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school-based cluster randomised controlled trial: effect on potential mediators


Range of possible values (number items)a

% of children with no missing items in intervention arm (total n = 1064)

% of children with no missing items in control arm (total n = 1157)


Self-reported (validated questionnaire) physical activity self-efficacy

26–130 (26)

B: 96 %

B: 94 %

[33, 34]

FU: 96 %

FU: 94 %

Self-reported (validated questionnaire) fruit and veg consumption self-efficacy

21–105 (21)

B: 95 %

B: 93 %


FU: 96 %

FU: 94 %

Child-reported (validated questionnaire) perceived maternal logistic support for physical activity

3–12 (3)

B: 93 %

B: 92 %

[36, 37]

FU: 95 %

FU: 93 %

Child-reported (validated questionnaire) perceived paternal logistic support for physical activity

3–12 (3)

B: 88 %

B: 87 %

[36, 37]

FU: 92 %

FU: 89 %

Child-reported (validated questionnaire) perceived maternal modelling of physical activity

5–20 (5)

B: 93 %

B: 92 %

[36, 37]

FU: 95 %

FU: 93 %

Child-reported (validated questionnaire) perceived paternal modelling of physical activity

5–20 (5)

B: 88 %

B: 87 %

[36, 37]

FU: 92 %

FU: 89 %

Child-reported (validated questionnaire) perceived maternal limitation of sedentary behaviourb

4–16 (4)

B: 93 %

B: 92 %

[36, 37]

FU: 93 %

FU: 92 %

Child-reported (validated questionnaire) perceived paternal limitation of sedentary behaviourb

4–16 (4)

B: 87 %

B: 87 %

[36, 37]

FU: 92 %

FU: 89 %

Child-reported (validated questionnaire) perceived parental modelling for healthy eating fruit & vegetable consumptionc

12–48 (12)

B: 95 %

B: 93 %


FU: 96 %

FU: 94 %

Child’s knowledge assessment related to intervention

0–9 (9)

B: N/A

B: N/A


FU: 96 %

FU: 94 %

  1. B % with no missing items at baseline, FU % with no missing items at follow-up, N/A not applicable. We developed the knowledge assessment and it is shown as Additional file 1: Appendix
  2. aAll variables were treated as continuous variables as detailed in the prior analysis plan [28]
  3. bFor sedentary behaviour we are not aware of any validated questionnaire assessing parental modelling of healthy sedentary behaviour for use in children, and so have only collected information regarding maternal and paternal limiting of sedentary behaviour for which we were able to identify validated questionnaires
  4. cFor fruit and vegetable consumption at the time of preparing all data collection tools, we were not aware of any validated questionnaires that provided relevant information for mothers and fathers separately or for logistical support of healthy fruit and vegetable consumption for use in children. We used a questionnaire that had been validated that asked children about parental (either parent or care-giver) modelling for fruit and vegetable consumption