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Table 1 Overview of the Learn to be safe with Emmy and friends™ Program Content and Purpose

From: Cluster randomised-control trial for an Australian child protection education program: Study protocol for the Learn to be safe with Emmy and friends


Content and Purpose


Emotion Recognition and Early Warning Signs. Content focuses on body signals that indicate various emotions as well as emotions or feelings that might indicate danger. Strategies to assist in remaining calm and reducing anxiety or worry are also taught. This is so that children are able to recognise when they might be feeling scared or angry, and know how to calm down so that they can more effectively respond to situations.


Early Warning Signs and Safe/Unsafe Situations. Content focuses on early warning signs (i.e., indicators given by the body that a situation may be unsafe), discriminating safe and unsafe situations, and identifying situations that may feel unsafe but are either fun (e.g. roller coasters) or within the child’s control (e.g. a test).


Personal Space and Private Body Areas. Content addresses the concept of personal space and private body areas as well as teaching responses to personal space violations and information regarding disclosure.


Safe/Unsafe Secrets. Content focuses on examples of safe and unsafe secrets and distinguishing between these. Encouragement is also given to disclosing potentially unsafe secrets to safe adults.


Identification of Safe Adults and Safety Networks for Disclosure. The final session focuses on recognising and developing networks of safe adults from whom children may seek help. This includes personal networks individual to each child as well as provision of contact information for specialist services for children such as Kids Help Line.