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Table 1 Questions

From: Comparing databases: determinants of sexually transmitted infections, HIV diagnoses, and lack of HIV testing among men who have sex with men



SMON (translation)

SOAP (translation)


How old are you?

What is your age?

Year of birth


What are the first two digits of your home post-code?

What are the first three digits of your home post-code?

Post-code (4 digits)


Which country were you born in?

Which cultural background did you grow-up with?

Ethnic group

Number of partners

How many different non-steady male partners have you had sex with in the last 12 months?

How many different non-steady male partners have you had sex with in the last 6 months?

How many persons have you had sexual contact with in the last 6 months?

Condom use last partner

Did he [the non-steady sex partner you most recently had sex with] use a condom during AI?

Did he [the non-steady sex partner you most recently had sex with] use a condom during AI?

Did you use condom(s) during the last sexual contact?

Drug use

When was the last time you consumed X? (recode: yes/no w/i 6 mo)

X – How often did you use in the last 6 months?

Intravenous drug use


When were you last diagnosed with X?

(recode: y/n w/i 12 mo)

In the last 12 months, did you receive a positive STI diagnosis? (X yes/no)

Laboratory diagnosis


Have you ever received an HIV test result? (status in answer options)

Have you ever been tested for HIV? + What was the result?

Diagnosis/Earlier HIV-test

  1. AI anal intercourse, STI sexually transmitted infection, HIV human immunodeficiency virus