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Table 1 Lessons learnt from AFLY5 & implications for future school-based diet and physical activity (PA) interventions

From: Lessons learned from the AFLY5 RCT process evaluation: implications for the design of physical activity and nutrition interventions in schools

Lesson learnt

Implication for future research and practice

Cross cutting themes

1) Child engagement

Building on existing knowledge and resources

Whole school approach

Provide children with a sense of ownership over diet and PA

Create activities that allow children to be actively involved and make choices over behaviours to develop a sense of autonomy

2) School level



Identify a key contact in the school to lead the intervention

Support the teacher to act as a project champion – provide extra training and resource for this person



Embedding diet and PA across the curriculum

Include lessons across the curriculum

Support teachers to act as positive diet and PA role models

Provide teachers with guidance on how to change their own behaviour and then model key behaviours to reinforce curriculum messages and to improve staff health

Eating in school

Ensure school meal provision, rules around snacking and packed lunches consistently applied and are supportive of messages in intervention

Space for physical activity and provision of extra-curricular sports/PA

Identify additional spaces in the school for physical activity

Ensure provision of extra-curricular sports/PA consistent/supportive of messages in intervention

3) Parental and community engagement



Engage parents with homework

Include activities for parents and children to do together

Bring the parents into school for events

Have shows, student demonstrations to create a “buzz” around diet and PA behaviour change

-Wider community


Invite those with appropriate skills in local area to speak to parents and children

Fits in with the healthy schools framework

4) Government/policy level

-Policy/school ethos


Lack of teacher self-efficacy to teach PA

Increase broader teacher expertise in PA promotion – utilise existing continuing professional development programmes

Incorporating diet and PA messages across the primary school years

Identify how diet and PA messages are presented across the curriculum and how skills and knowledge are reinforced and developed across the primary school years



Create facilities for cooking in schools

Negotiated access to school canteens, integrate with school food service. Identify other local resources.

Create facilities for PA in schools

Identify local resources that could supplement pre-existing school resources.