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Table 1 Definitions of protective practices asked in household questionnaires and corresponding household inclusion criteria for analyses

From: Protective practices against zoonotic infections among rural and slum communities from South Central Chile

Exposure category

Household inclusion criteria (n)

Protective practice



All households (n = 422)


Use of traps or poison to eliminate rodents

Food Storage

Use of a container with a sealed lid for food storage

Trash Disposal

Use of a covered container for a household trash receptacle such as a bin or bucket with a lid


Household owns at least one animal classified as livestock, and at least one household member reported regular contact with livestock (e.g., during the birthing process, milking or butchering animals, or cleaning animal barns) (n = 127)

Preventive Veterinary Care

Use of vaccinations or anti-parasitic treatment for at least one of the animals that the household owns at least once

Wearing Boots

Wearing rubber boots when working with livestock

Wearing Gloves

Wearing gloves when working with livestock


Household has at least one livestock, pet, or other animal and has a vegetable garden (n = 233)

Restricting Animal Access

Preventing livestock and domestic animals from entering the vegetable garden and surrounding area.

Wearing Boots

Wearing rubber boots when working in the garden

Wearing Gloves

Wearing gloves when working in the garden