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Table 1 Comparison of SROI with traditional economic evaluation frameworks

From: Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to account for value for money of public health interventions: a systematic review

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA)

Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA) Sub-type of CEA

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Main objective

To compare costs and impact of alternatives within the same domain

To compare costs and impact of alternatives within the same domain

To assess if an intervention is worth the investment.

To assess if an intervention is worth the investment.


Monetary value

Monetary value

Monetary value

Monetary value


Benefits linked to health improvements.

Benefits linked to health improvements.

Captures health and non-health impacts.

Captures health and non-health impacts, underpinned by the “triple bottom line” approach (social, economic and environmental). In addition, seeks to account for and value potential negative effect of interventions.

Reported as natural units E.g. lives saved or cases averted

Reported as Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) gained/ Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) averted/ Healthy life-years gained

Reported as monetary value or welfare benefit

Reported as monetary value or welfare benefit

Lists benefits that cannot be easily monetised and explains why they cannot be monetised

Uses financial proxies to estimate monetary value of benefits that cannot be easily monetised

Level of application

Intervention level

Intervention level

Usually intervention level

Intervention, project, programme, policy or organisation level

Timeline of analysis

Retrospective or Prospective

Retrospective or Prospective

Retrospective or Prospective

Retrospective or Prospective

Discounting of future value





Stakeholder engagement





Theory of change





Main output of analysis

Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER)

Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER)

Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)

Social Return on Investment Ratio

Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)

Net Present Value (NPV)

Net Present Value (NPV)

Payback period

Break-even point

Interpretation of main output of analysis

Intervention with higher cost-effectiveness ratio is better

Intervention with higher cost-effectiveness ratio is better

BCR > 1 is worthwhile investment

SROI ratio > 1 is worthwhile investment


Priority setting and resource allocation

Priority setting and resource allocation

Priority setting and resource allocation

Priority setting

Resource allocation

Stakeholder relationship building,

Accountability framework, Management tool